Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ping Pong Competition

Ping pong has been enthusiastically played in this part of Machang. Almost everyone looks forward to release their bottled up stress in this game when the clock strikes 5 pm, everyday. However, after playing for so long, one day somebody suggested that a competition should be held as a parameter to gauge who is the best of them all. Realising this, a competition was held to find out the creme de la creme in Ping Pong (in PKD Machang of course).

Too bad, Fai Sal was not there to play for he was recently transferred to another department. He is the most keen of all in table tennis. He would be the first to be at the table, sweating it out before everyone else.

Here are some pictures.

Some kids even came in support of their father.

Memorabilia from the competition.

All doubles games were played. No single match as time was not permitting. It was a successful friendly competition, everyone enjoyed it very much, creating a rapport between all levels concerned in the organization.

Looking forward to the singles tounament in the near future.

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