Friday, January 15, 2010

Not confident

I don't know what do you think of the video shown here.

Various things come to mind.

  1. Is he not a suitable candidate to answer questions posed by the interviewer?
  2. Has he prepared himself well? Rather than searching for his answer from the script that he is reading.
  3. Did he understand the questions well? look at 9:10. He seems lost.
  4. Can we say that he is beating around the bush?
  5. Can our own locals understand what he is trying to answer and thus understanding the crux of the issue? With the locals in mind, will the orang putehs understand the the issue at all?
  6. Will this video attenuate the whole issue?
  7. Did he use this opportunity well to explain and defend himself and the group he is representing on the issue?

Lessons: Always be prepared that you will not be given a translator to speak at such big broadcasting firm with international audiences.

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