Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Ini merupakan satu perspektif kepada konsep 1Malaysia. Terharu kerana pemimpin negara menggerakkan idea untuk mempelajari konsep 1Malaysia dari Sabah dan Sarawak. Sinikal jugak bagaimana orang barat dapat belajar dari timur, selepas melalui beberapa pengalaman tersendiri dan pengalaman orang-orang tua serta rakan-rakan yang pernah bercampur gaul dengan orang barat ini; dari "kecik" bermula dibangku sekolah sehingga sekarang.

Berkenaan Sabah, saya tidak tahu sangat pengalaman mereka. Tetapi cerita berkenaan Sarawak memang menjelikkan.

Pada asasnya, Sarawak dianggap mundur. Sesiapa yang diminta untuk bertugas ke Sarawak, memang akan keberatan.

Antara statement yang pernah didengar ialah;

 "Orang Sarawak pakai cawat ke?"
Statement ini pernah diceritakan oleh orang-orang tua yang melanjutkan pelajaran ke UM dalam tahun sekitar 90an. Mana yang baik, akan diterangkan dengan sebetul betulnya. Mana yang sarcastic, orang kena soal tersebut akan menjawab yang orang Sarawak hanya akan memakai pakaian ala lengkap menutup aurat sekiranya handak pergi ke KL. Sebaik saja mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching, kita akan bertukar memakai cawat.

"Orang Sarawak tinggal atas pokok ker?
Statement "katak bawah tempurung" ini pun timbul dalam pernah timbul sewaktu tahun sekitar 80-90an. Mengejutkan, soalan ini pernah ditanya lewat 90an. Ada misi pernah menjawab seorang doktor tersebut yang bertanya di satu konvension perubatan yang diadakan di KL, "Ya, orang Sarawak tinggal di atas pokok dan untuk pergi ke rumah orang lain, kita akan bergayut dari satu pokok ke pokok yang lain. Kita tak pakai jalanraya". Terus misi itu berjalan meninggalkan doktor tersebut.

Pada masa zaman Rajah Brooke dahulu, memang amalan memburu kepala berleluasa di kalangan Iban. Pernah ibu kepada seorang bakal guru yang akan bertugas ke Sarawak bertanya, "Jauh kah Engkelili itu?" atau, "jauhkah Kota Samarahan, Sarikei, Sibu dan sebagainya?" kemudian soalan seterusnya, "kawasan itu banyak Iban kan?". Kemudian statement seterusnya, "takut jugak, ya lah takut kena potong kepala macam cerita cerita dahulu." Itu dulu lah makcik. Zaman sekarang mana ada lagi.

Keberanian iban inilah yang menjadi kekuatan semasa menentang British, Jepun, Komunis kemudian konfrontasi Indonesia di bumi Sarawak suatu ketika dahulu. Justeru, nama Kanang anak Langkau tentu dikenali ramai. Kalau tak tahu jugak...tak tau lah.

"Sarawak ada lembu ke?"
Ini statement yang lawak. Ada kawan menjawab, "Tak, Sarawak mana ada lembu, sapi adalah". Untuk informasi, selalunya orang Sarawak menggelar lembu sebagai sapi.

Seorang pakcik kepada kenalan yang berkursus di Langkawi kena berhadapan dengan spesis manusia barat ini. Ketika ada saja spesis ini di sekitar pakcik ni, ada saja benda yang diperkatakan yang memandang rendah Sarawak. Sampai satu ketika, spesis ini berkata Sarawak tak ada makanan sesedap ini (waktu itu udang dihidangkan di meja makan). Pakcik itu pun berdiri, "Di Sarawak, mana ada orang makan udang jenis ini, kalau saiz macam ini, kita bagi kucing jer makan, kita makan udang galah saja." Bila di periksa balik, spesis barat itu tidak pernah ke Sarawak langsung.

Seorang doktor pula akan ditugaskan ke Sibu, Sarawak. Dia bertanya kepada misi yang berasal dari Sarawak. "Perlu tak saya membawa kereta saya ke Sibu nanti?  Takut tak pakai kerana jalan buruk". Soalan ini timbul pada penghujung dekad 90an. Misi itu pun jawab supaya jangan bawak kerana jalan buruk, mengesahkan lagi sangkaan doktor tersebut. Bila doktor tersebut sampai ke Sibu, memang sangkaan beliau meleset.

Pernah suatu ketika melalui sebuah jalan di KL. Kebetulan seorang jaga bertugas di hadapan sebuah bank harimau. Dia tengah mengadu sesuatu dengan kawan-kawannya. "Apa dia ingat saya bodoh ka, macam orang Sabah ka, Sarawak ka, boleh la dia orang kena tipu." Aduhs... masih jelas terngiang.

Seorang rakan sekelas berbangsa cina yang pernah belajar di sebuah universiti tersohor di SM bergaul dengan rakan-rakan melayu Sarawak di kafeteria. Malah bermain bola pun sama kerana kawan ini memang minat bola. Jadi, bila dia bergaul dengan rakan rakan cina barat, mereka bertanya "why do you mix with the malays?". Tergamam kawan, seolah olah pergaulan itu terlarang.

Kawan ini pun dan kawan kawan yang lain yang belajar di menara gading sohor di barat pun menyatakan perkara sama, kaum cina, melayu dan india berpuak puak dan tak bergaul sangat. Memang beza dengan masa sekolah, bila kita kena bergaul dengan berbelas-belas etnik lain dalam sekolah yang sama - melayu, cina, iban, bidayuh, kenyah, india, penan, melanau. Kadang-kadang bergaduh pun dalam satu geng ada cina, iban, melayu. Geng yang satu lagi pun sama campuran nya. Terdapat 28 etnik di Sarawak. Semuanya berbahasa ibunda sendiri. Jadi kalau kita nak tanya "bagaimana orang sarawak berkata ini dan itu?" First of all, which language are you referring to? Sarawak malay? iban? bidayuh? Melanau? Cina hokkien Sarawak pun mempunyai dialek yang sedikit berbeza dengan Cina Hokkien Penang dan Kelantan.

Itulah, kadang-kadang terfikir juga bagaimana semangat 1Malaysia ini dapat dipelajari dari negeri-negeri Borneo ini. Padahal, ada yang sudah berfikiran serong dengan apa yang ada di negeri-negeri Borneo tersebut. Bukan semua, tapi kebanyakan. Bagi yang tak sehaluan dengan 1Malaysia ini, tak apa. Asasnya tetap sama, masih lagi Malaya vs Borneo. Ingat tak isu cawat yang ditimbulkan baru-baru ini? Apa pula kaitan cawat dengan undi? Saya harap keindahan Islam tidak disalahertikan oleh mereka yang baru hendak mengenali Islam. Ada saudara Iban Islam yang akan tersinggung kerana masih mempunyai keluarga yang bukan Islam. Malah, the whole Sarawak akan tersinggung.

Sedih lah sekiranya orang masih melihat negeri negeri borneo ini seperti di atas. Apa apa pun, setiap tempat di dunia memang mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri. Ini namanya kepelbagaian. Kepelbagaian itu seharusnya dipelajari bukan dipandang hina. Hanya dengan keterbukaan minda, baru kita pelajari dan menerima benda benda baru.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

D'Kantan.. much to be improved

It has been awhile that we wanted to try D'Kantan Restaurant. The location, refer to the above map. It is located in Kubang Kerian, somewhere along the road to Bachok.

In one word..inadequate. At least at that moment of time. Maybe, if you are lucky enough, you may find it terrific. But, sorry, with the state of things at that time, in that sole visit, it will not tempt me to go there again, ever.

Initially, it was a winning start for the place. Upon entering it, one may be mesmerized with all the great ornamental plants in the zen like garden. But, once seated, the nightmare and anger began.

The waiters were untrained, lacks knowledge of the food in the menu (don't we usually get that here?) and dressed inappropriately. They are just unkempt and looked like shuffler turn waiter! No, no.. they looked like some haggard street shuffler, inappropriately holding a piece of pen and paper. Nothing like a waiter.

We ordered fish simmered in spicy sour sauce, fried mushroom, seafood tomyam and stir fried mix vegetables. Except for the latter, the others were pathetic. There were no sourly taste in the fish. The tomyam was pale and didn't taste anything like tomyam at all. The taste of the lemon grass was overpowering. The fried mushroom didn't looked like it at all. Only a few button mushrooms were dumped in, buried under heaps of flaccid cabbages. Other than that, it was tasteless.

Still, I must compliment certain things. I still love the surrounding. The water feature in the middle of the dine was a great idea although there are still huge rooms for design improvement. Reading materials were provided. Positively, it encourages reading habit, but in such occasion, one would be most of the time spending quality time with friends and family, chit chatting and catching up with each other.

Will I go there again? Nope, surely, if no improvement from the one described above.

Black (Lung) is Gold

When Malaysia have ratified the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, we are obliged to all the rules and guidelines that have been stated in the framework. It is, according to the WHO one of the most embraced treaties in the UN history. "Treaties" sound serious as if we are in a state of war, in which we are, without realising it.

Public health physicians, with all the help they can get are at the forefront beating away the drums of war against the consumption of cigarettes. We all knew, the learned knew and even smokers knew that 2/3 of all diseases in the world today are preventable by cessation of smoking alone. Clinicians are the one who will have to bear the brunt by treating the casualties we see in the hospital. By then, it is too late. The time, money and people used in treating them should be used more for those who really are needy and sickly.

The ploys of cigarette producers are as creative as ever. Recently, as in the above picture, sturdy cigarette packaging made of tin were used. In each tin boxes, it contains 18 sticks of cigarette. This tin package is attractive as one can re-use it over and over again to store new cigarettes. Even though selling separate stick of cigarette is illegal, yet it is still being done rather openly. Users can then buy cigarette in smaller affordable amount, without burning a hole in their pocket and then keep them safe and stylishly in these tin boxes. Yes, it is still stylish even with the gangrenous foot depicted on the surface.

The drum is still beating. The war must continue. The jihad for better human health must prevail.

Great to be free from the clutches of cholera in this site of town. Scary that the latest strain were found to be resistant to common antibiotics like the tetracyclines. Thanks to the unscrupulous over the counter buying of antibiotics like candies by form 5 trained pharmacists. Only the fluoroquinolones groups are available, which are not suitable for pregnant mothers.

Great news too, Dengue and Chikungunya has reduced by 12% in the current epid week compared to the previous week. Dang, that Sarawak still contribute to 97% of all cases nationwide. Common! are we really that unhygienic??!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Abe Handsome

Almost got scammed the other day in Tesco KB.

This guy was plying his trade at the foyer of Tesco KB opposite the escalator. He was trying to promote his company's induction cooker. Being interested in it, as a customer, I would naturally approach for the sake of finding out.

To cut things short, the induction cooker was really "canggih". All the button works with a touch screen function, consumer protective from the heat hazard and all. The price: RM 2899.

Expensive? yes it is. But you can purchase it with a discount. How? you will have to pick a draw to determine the discount that you can have. "Previous customers" only drew 10% - 20% discount. It will be valid should the induction cooker be purchased in the next 6 months.

He quickly and magically picked a piece of sealed paper (I thought that I was the one who was supposed to picked it?!). The shocked and puzzled expression in his face was really a bluff. A fake. It wrote "Rm1008" on the paper and he mentioned that he has no idea on how that can be (remember that the previous customers only drew 10-20% discounts). Not knowing what to do, he said he had to call his "manager" and ask if that discount value can be used or not. He pressed the keys on his keypad and strangely, not until 2 seconds, he was already talking with his "manager". Another magic performed. Well, it could be a push to talk function.

"hallo?, Mr Manager? Ini saya ada satu customer dapat 1008RM diskaun, boleh kasi ka tidak?"

"oo..ok, tanya dia sama ada pernah purchase produk syarikat dulu ka? ok ok."

"Abe, abe, pernah pakai produk syarikat kami ka? and I said no.

"Abe, manager saya cakap, kalau mahu guna ini Rm1008 diskaun, kena beli ini hari terus kerana RM1008 itu banyak bagus sudah diskaun."

Now, earlier he mentioned that the discount drawn can be used in the next 6 months. How come his policy changed suddenly? A big curious question mark there.

Dang, funny when one addresses his boss as "Mr Manager". Also, it was all too fast. It was all orchestrated.

No less than 5 times did he mentioned "Abe handsome". I love that flattering of his. But, sorry, I won't be taken in for it.

That was a ploy to persuade unsuspecting customers to buy their product as soon as possible. As a token of appreciation, he gave me a tooth brush with a brand name of "Fallet". Heard of it? He he.

Points to ponder.

  • Think before giving out your hard earn cash. Do not give in easily especially to the "gores dan menang" scam. People still do even after numerous reminders from consumer's association.
  • Do not be easily flattered. It may be (most of the time) insincere.
  • Good things are not cheap, and cheap things are (usually) not good. in most cases, it applies.
  • Be observant when being approach by sales person or even the telemarketing sales person. Always query for clarity. Consumers are always right.
  • Do not be afraid to reject. Do it politely. After all they are also human with feelings and selling product may be just their sole income.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome to the world!

This is a post that I have to do. Nope, it is not about the recent accident that happened in KB Mall. It was really a freak accident though. A friend quickly pointed out the movie Final Destination to its similarity. This is something happier. Adam Zikri has just been born to the world on the 27th of November 2009. 12 hours of sweat, pain and labour, doses of intrathecal goodness and pethidine jabs, finally, a beautiful boy is born. To friends in Ganu, Kadok,and in KK (you know who you are), here it is, some pictures to view.




Beware, he might confuse your bod odour as his father's. he he he.


This was the first thing I noticed hanging outside on the dry area. New member, new job, new responsibility.



Congrats friend!!