Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Ini merupakan satu perspektif kepada konsep 1Malaysia. Terharu kerana pemimpin negara menggerakkan idea untuk mempelajari konsep 1Malaysia dari Sabah dan Sarawak. Sinikal jugak bagaimana orang barat dapat belajar dari timur, selepas melalui beberapa pengalaman tersendiri dan pengalaman orang-orang tua serta rakan-rakan yang pernah bercampur gaul dengan orang barat ini; dari "kecik" bermula dibangku sekolah sehingga sekarang.

Berkenaan Sabah, saya tidak tahu sangat pengalaman mereka. Tetapi cerita berkenaan Sarawak memang menjelikkan.

Pada asasnya, Sarawak dianggap mundur. Sesiapa yang diminta untuk bertugas ke Sarawak, memang akan keberatan.

Antara statement yang pernah didengar ialah;

 "Orang Sarawak pakai cawat ke?"
Statement ini pernah diceritakan oleh orang-orang tua yang melanjutkan pelajaran ke UM dalam tahun sekitar 90an. Mana yang baik, akan diterangkan dengan sebetul betulnya. Mana yang sarcastic, orang kena soal tersebut akan menjawab yang orang Sarawak hanya akan memakai pakaian ala lengkap menutup aurat sekiranya handak pergi ke KL. Sebaik saja mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching, kita akan bertukar memakai cawat.

"Orang Sarawak tinggal atas pokok ker?
Statement "katak bawah tempurung" ini pun timbul dalam pernah timbul sewaktu tahun sekitar 80-90an. Mengejutkan, soalan ini pernah ditanya lewat 90an. Ada misi pernah menjawab seorang doktor tersebut yang bertanya di satu konvension perubatan yang diadakan di KL, "Ya, orang Sarawak tinggal di atas pokok dan untuk pergi ke rumah orang lain, kita akan bergayut dari satu pokok ke pokok yang lain. Kita tak pakai jalanraya". Terus misi itu berjalan meninggalkan doktor tersebut.

Pada masa zaman Rajah Brooke dahulu, memang amalan memburu kepala berleluasa di kalangan Iban. Pernah ibu kepada seorang bakal guru yang akan bertugas ke Sarawak bertanya, "Jauh kah Engkelili itu?" atau, "jauhkah Kota Samarahan, Sarikei, Sibu dan sebagainya?" kemudian soalan seterusnya, "kawasan itu banyak Iban kan?". Kemudian statement seterusnya, "takut jugak, ya lah takut kena potong kepala macam cerita cerita dahulu." Itu dulu lah makcik. Zaman sekarang mana ada lagi.

Keberanian iban inilah yang menjadi kekuatan semasa menentang British, Jepun, Komunis kemudian konfrontasi Indonesia di bumi Sarawak suatu ketika dahulu. Justeru, nama Kanang anak Langkau tentu dikenali ramai. Kalau tak tahu jugak...tak tau lah.

"Sarawak ada lembu ke?"
Ini statement yang lawak. Ada kawan menjawab, "Tak, Sarawak mana ada lembu, sapi adalah". Untuk informasi, selalunya orang Sarawak menggelar lembu sebagai sapi.

Seorang pakcik kepada kenalan yang berkursus di Langkawi kena berhadapan dengan spesis manusia barat ini. Ketika ada saja spesis ini di sekitar pakcik ni, ada saja benda yang diperkatakan yang memandang rendah Sarawak. Sampai satu ketika, spesis ini berkata Sarawak tak ada makanan sesedap ini (waktu itu udang dihidangkan di meja makan). Pakcik itu pun berdiri, "Di Sarawak, mana ada orang makan udang jenis ini, kalau saiz macam ini, kita bagi kucing jer makan, kita makan udang galah saja." Bila di periksa balik, spesis barat itu tidak pernah ke Sarawak langsung.

Seorang doktor pula akan ditugaskan ke Sibu, Sarawak. Dia bertanya kepada misi yang berasal dari Sarawak. "Perlu tak saya membawa kereta saya ke Sibu nanti?  Takut tak pakai kerana jalan buruk". Soalan ini timbul pada penghujung dekad 90an. Misi itu pun jawab supaya jangan bawak kerana jalan buruk, mengesahkan lagi sangkaan doktor tersebut. Bila doktor tersebut sampai ke Sibu, memang sangkaan beliau meleset.

Pernah suatu ketika melalui sebuah jalan di KL. Kebetulan seorang jaga bertugas di hadapan sebuah bank harimau. Dia tengah mengadu sesuatu dengan kawan-kawannya. "Apa dia ingat saya bodoh ka, macam orang Sabah ka, Sarawak ka, boleh la dia orang kena tipu." Aduhs... masih jelas terngiang.

Seorang rakan sekelas berbangsa cina yang pernah belajar di sebuah universiti tersohor di SM bergaul dengan rakan-rakan melayu Sarawak di kafeteria. Malah bermain bola pun sama kerana kawan ini memang minat bola. Jadi, bila dia bergaul dengan rakan rakan cina barat, mereka bertanya "why do you mix with the malays?". Tergamam kawan, seolah olah pergaulan itu terlarang.

Kawan ini pun dan kawan kawan yang lain yang belajar di menara gading sohor di barat pun menyatakan perkara sama, kaum cina, melayu dan india berpuak puak dan tak bergaul sangat. Memang beza dengan masa sekolah, bila kita kena bergaul dengan berbelas-belas etnik lain dalam sekolah yang sama - melayu, cina, iban, bidayuh, kenyah, india, penan, melanau. Kadang-kadang bergaduh pun dalam satu geng ada cina, iban, melayu. Geng yang satu lagi pun sama campuran nya. Terdapat 28 etnik di Sarawak. Semuanya berbahasa ibunda sendiri. Jadi kalau kita nak tanya "bagaimana orang sarawak berkata ini dan itu?" First of all, which language are you referring to? Sarawak malay? iban? bidayuh? Melanau? Cina hokkien Sarawak pun mempunyai dialek yang sedikit berbeza dengan Cina Hokkien Penang dan Kelantan.

Itulah, kadang-kadang terfikir juga bagaimana semangat 1Malaysia ini dapat dipelajari dari negeri-negeri Borneo ini. Padahal, ada yang sudah berfikiran serong dengan apa yang ada di negeri-negeri Borneo tersebut. Bukan semua, tapi kebanyakan. Bagi yang tak sehaluan dengan 1Malaysia ini, tak apa. Asasnya tetap sama, masih lagi Malaya vs Borneo. Ingat tak isu cawat yang ditimbulkan baru-baru ini? Apa pula kaitan cawat dengan undi? Saya harap keindahan Islam tidak disalahertikan oleh mereka yang baru hendak mengenali Islam. Ada saudara Iban Islam yang akan tersinggung kerana masih mempunyai keluarga yang bukan Islam. Malah, the whole Sarawak akan tersinggung.

Sedih lah sekiranya orang masih melihat negeri negeri borneo ini seperti di atas. Apa apa pun, setiap tempat di dunia memang mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri. Ini namanya kepelbagaian. Kepelbagaian itu seharusnya dipelajari bukan dipandang hina. Hanya dengan keterbukaan minda, baru kita pelajari dan menerima benda benda baru.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

D'Kantan.. much to be improved

It has been awhile that we wanted to try D'Kantan Restaurant. The location, refer to the above map. It is located in Kubang Kerian, somewhere along the road to Bachok.

In one word..inadequate. At least at that moment of time. Maybe, if you are lucky enough, you may find it terrific. But, sorry, with the state of things at that time, in that sole visit, it will not tempt me to go there again, ever.

Initially, it was a winning start for the place. Upon entering it, one may be mesmerized with all the great ornamental plants in the zen like garden. But, once seated, the nightmare and anger began.

The waiters were untrained, lacks knowledge of the food in the menu (don't we usually get that here?) and dressed inappropriately. They are just unkempt and looked like shuffler turn waiter! No, no.. they looked like some haggard street shuffler, inappropriately holding a piece of pen and paper. Nothing like a waiter.

We ordered fish simmered in spicy sour sauce, fried mushroom, seafood tomyam and stir fried mix vegetables. Except for the latter, the others were pathetic. There were no sourly taste in the fish. The tomyam was pale and didn't taste anything like tomyam at all. The taste of the lemon grass was overpowering. The fried mushroom didn't looked like it at all. Only a few button mushrooms were dumped in, buried under heaps of flaccid cabbages. Other than that, it was tasteless.

Still, I must compliment certain things. I still love the surrounding. The water feature in the middle of the dine was a great idea although there are still huge rooms for design improvement. Reading materials were provided. Positively, it encourages reading habit, but in such occasion, one would be most of the time spending quality time with friends and family, chit chatting and catching up with each other.

Will I go there again? Nope, surely, if no improvement from the one described above.

Black (Lung) is Gold

When Malaysia have ratified the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, we are obliged to all the rules and guidelines that have been stated in the framework. It is, according to the WHO one of the most embraced treaties in the UN history. "Treaties" sound serious as if we are in a state of war, in which we are, without realising it.

Public health physicians, with all the help they can get are at the forefront beating away the drums of war against the consumption of cigarettes. We all knew, the learned knew and even smokers knew that 2/3 of all diseases in the world today are preventable by cessation of smoking alone. Clinicians are the one who will have to bear the brunt by treating the casualties we see in the hospital. By then, it is too late. The time, money and people used in treating them should be used more for those who really are needy and sickly.

The ploys of cigarette producers are as creative as ever. Recently, as in the above picture, sturdy cigarette packaging made of tin were used. In each tin boxes, it contains 18 sticks of cigarette. This tin package is attractive as one can re-use it over and over again to store new cigarettes. Even though selling separate stick of cigarette is illegal, yet it is still being done rather openly. Users can then buy cigarette in smaller affordable amount, without burning a hole in their pocket and then keep them safe and stylishly in these tin boxes. Yes, it is still stylish even with the gangrenous foot depicted on the surface.

The drum is still beating. The war must continue. The jihad for better human health must prevail.

Great to be free from the clutches of cholera in this site of town. Scary that the latest strain were found to be resistant to common antibiotics like the tetracyclines. Thanks to the unscrupulous over the counter buying of antibiotics like candies by form 5 trained pharmacists. Only the fluoroquinolones groups are available, which are not suitable for pregnant mothers.

Great news too, Dengue and Chikungunya has reduced by 12% in the current epid week compared to the previous week. Dang, that Sarawak still contribute to 97% of all cases nationwide. Common! are we really that unhygienic??!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Abe Handsome

Almost got scammed the other day in Tesco KB.

This guy was plying his trade at the foyer of Tesco KB opposite the escalator. He was trying to promote his company's induction cooker. Being interested in it, as a customer, I would naturally approach for the sake of finding out.

To cut things short, the induction cooker was really "canggih". All the button works with a touch screen function, consumer protective from the heat hazard and all. The price: RM 2899.

Expensive? yes it is. But you can purchase it with a discount. How? you will have to pick a draw to determine the discount that you can have. "Previous customers" only drew 10% - 20% discount. It will be valid should the induction cooker be purchased in the next 6 months.

He quickly and magically picked a piece of sealed paper (I thought that I was the one who was supposed to picked it?!). The shocked and puzzled expression in his face was really a bluff. A fake. It wrote "Rm1008" on the paper and he mentioned that he has no idea on how that can be (remember that the previous customers only drew 10-20% discounts). Not knowing what to do, he said he had to call his "manager" and ask if that discount value can be used or not. He pressed the keys on his keypad and strangely, not until 2 seconds, he was already talking with his "manager". Another magic performed. Well, it could be a push to talk function.

"hallo?, Mr Manager? Ini saya ada satu customer dapat 1008RM diskaun, boleh kasi ka tidak?"

"oo..ok, tanya dia sama ada pernah purchase produk syarikat dulu ka? ok ok."

"Abe, abe, pernah pakai produk syarikat kami ka? and I said no.

"Abe, manager saya cakap, kalau mahu guna ini Rm1008 diskaun, kena beli ini hari terus kerana RM1008 itu banyak bagus sudah diskaun."

Now, earlier he mentioned that the discount drawn can be used in the next 6 months. How come his policy changed suddenly? A big curious question mark there.

Dang, funny when one addresses his boss as "Mr Manager". Also, it was all too fast. It was all orchestrated.

No less than 5 times did he mentioned "Abe handsome". I love that flattering of his. But, sorry, I won't be taken in for it.

That was a ploy to persuade unsuspecting customers to buy their product as soon as possible. As a token of appreciation, he gave me a tooth brush with a brand name of "Fallet". Heard of it? He he.

Points to ponder.

  • Think before giving out your hard earn cash. Do not give in easily especially to the "gores dan menang" scam. People still do even after numerous reminders from consumer's association.
  • Do not be easily flattered. It may be (most of the time) insincere.
  • Good things are not cheap, and cheap things are (usually) not good. in most cases, it applies.
  • Be observant when being approach by sales person or even the telemarketing sales person. Always query for clarity. Consumers are always right.
  • Do not be afraid to reject. Do it politely. After all they are also human with feelings and selling product may be just their sole income.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome to the world!

This is a post that I have to do. Nope, it is not about the recent accident that happened in KB Mall. It was really a freak accident though. A friend quickly pointed out the movie Final Destination to its similarity. This is something happier. Adam Zikri has just been born to the world on the 27th of November 2009. 12 hours of sweat, pain and labour, doses of intrathecal goodness and pethidine jabs, finally, a beautiful boy is born. To friends in Ganu, Kadok,and in KK (you know who you are), here it is, some pictures to view.




Beware, he might confuse your bod odour as his father's. he he he.


This was the first thing I noticed hanging outside on the dry area. New member, new job, new responsibility.



Congrats friend!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Open House zero nine

Salam and hi to all..

Come this year, we are lucky again to be able to contribute to this year raya do. We came up with 2 dishes...

...the Resepi Rahsia Chese cake..
Cheese cake

...and Kek Lapis Cheese specially made with love from Sarawak.
Lapis cheese

Too bad that not all of our batch mate were able to be present. However, she was able to, and I know someone who missed her so much!
an avid akok lover. Too bad that there were no akok served during the meet. Haiya, forgot to wish her Happy Deepavali! So un-1Malaysia!

Last year we had Abe Ja's truffles (correct spelling ke). This time around, more people realized the economic importance of truffles. Moreover, strawberries were added to make it visually inviting.

As usual, the rule of thumb in Malaysia is to come half an hour later than the time an event is supposed to begin. In the mean time, members of the department mingled with each other while waiting for invited guests to come.

Some were sitting around at the rattan chair with the lecturers, seemingly very attentive to what is being said. Like a wakil rakyat listening to the people's problems. The poise was very 1Malaysia indeed.

Some were pointing fingers..

Some, not relevant to the occasion, were engrossed in doing discussion on important academic matters.

Then, the all important man came. The HOD, in full Malay attire. He was outstanding from the rest of the crowd. To me, he dressed relevantly to the occasion.

I think he might look some what like Tunku Abdul Rahman in his younger days.

After a brief introduction by Dr Zahir, who was selected impromptu to emcee the open house, the HOD began his informal jovial speech. All stood to attention, clad in their beautiful baju kurungs. You are supposed to look good to your bosses. First impression counts.

Some were hoping that the speech could end faster as the food in front of them were too tempting.

In order to distract their minds from the hunger pangs that begins to rumble in their stomach, some started whipping up their cameras and start shooting to commemorate the occasion.

That includes me.

More hari raya poses..
Batch Mates
Congratulations to Emy on being a first time mother. Congratulations too to Sya on her engagement in May and planned solemnization on Eid Adha in the end of November.

Food was in abundance. There were so much left overs. Even Abe Ja who came later ate too.

The Nasi Beriani was awesome. Some of the chicken dishes were incredibly delectable. Sorry no pictures available. Too engrossed with eating.

This post is also available in http://mcmusm07.blogspot.com/ with a little adjustment.

Prostar Program


Various programs have always been planned for the benefit of our teenagers. Prostar program is one of them. Previously it was kown as Program Remaja sihat tanpa dadah or healthy teenagers without drugs. However, we want our teenagers to be healthy, not only by staying away from drugs, but also all other elements that can make them fall sick. Thus, the program extended name has been changed to Program Sihat untuk Remaja or healthy program for teenagers.

The Machang Prostar group is touted to be one of the most active in the country.

The program was held in one of the many resorts in Besut, Damai Beach Resort. Hey, to Kuchingites, that really sounds familiar.

The office..
main office

The road leading to the beach
road to beach

It was quite isolated and peaceful, perfect for a not so expensive weekend escapade. Thus, the place was conducive for youths to learn and gain something from the program. The beach was reasonably clean.

The rooms were clean, well maintained and basic. There were air-cond and TV as extra luxury items.

The facilitators were from the Youth and Sports ministry and health staffs from the Machang District Health Office. They are a dedicated bunch of people. I would say, very approachable, friendly, lively, caring.. all the right attitude needed when befriending youths.

Not only they need to facilitate participants in giving knowledge to them such as this..

They took the lead role to lead the participants in the early morning physical programs such as aerobics, sports at the beach in the evenings and take pictures too when needed.

Participants were cooperative and attentive.

in the afternoons, post prandial sugar kicks in into a slump. Some nearly made it to seize the afternoon siesta.

Hopefully, they can adsorb and be motivated with all that has been spoon fed to them.

It was hard to ascertain if they were able to understand what has been thrown to them. Sometimes, one wonders if the knowledge gained will be used and practiced in their daily go abouts. But the reaction at the end of the program showed that they may have.

Some facilitators broke into tears after getting to know the youngsters in such short span of time and in such closed up location, when its time to leave.

They learned the meaning of cooperation...

Trained and exemplified by these facilitators who wore reds like the Penang boria.

For all the auld lang syne, thank you, may we meet again all..

Prostar Machang

Friday, October 09, 2009


Indonesian group postpones ‘invasion’ of Malaysia by a day

PETALING JAYA: Volunteer vigilante group from Indonesia Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (Bendera) has postponed its “plans” to wage war with Malaysia by a day.

Speaking to reporters in Jakarta, its coordinator Mustar Nona Ventura said that around 1,300 volunteers, including 50 medical personnel, would be departing for Malaysia between today and Oct 22.

The group, which had conducted a “sweeping” for Malaysians recently in Menteng, Jakarta, originally planned to attack yesterday.

“They will enter through pathways that will be unexpected for Malaysian security,” he said, adding that they would not be deterred.

Mustar, however, did not give any reason why the “invasion” was postponed by a day.

The Thursday attack was to wreak vengeance on Malaysia for “stealing” their culture and abusing their maids. The group planned to attack with “primitive” weapons like bamboo spears, sticks and parangs.

In Putrajaya, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop said security forces, namely those guarding the coast, had been put on alert following threats of attacks by the Indonesians, adding that the Government took the threat seriously.

“We are on alert. Security personnel are ready and prepared to meet whatever threats that come our way,’’ he told reporters yesterday.

However, he said there were no reports of Indonesians entering the country with sharpened bamboo poles.

Police have also stepped up security at all entry points from West Kalimantan to Sarawak as a precaution.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mohmad Salleh said patrols by the General Opera­tions Force had been doubled, especially at the Tebedu and Serikin border posts, and several illegal trails at the Sarawak-Kalimantan border.

“So far, we have not received any report of moves by the group to enter Sarawak,” he told reporters after the Sarawak police contingent’s monthly assembly and Aidilfitri open house at its headquarters here.

Malaysian Consul in Pontianak M. Zairi M. Basri said the situation in Pontianak was calm and there were no signs of anti-Malaysia activities.

He said that based on surveillance yesterday at the Pontianak main bus terminal, which provides transportation services from Pontia­nak to Kuching, nothing unusual happened.

The Star Online.

Those 1300 strong volunteers would be better off helping their own unfortunate countrymen in Padang. To our volunteers serving in Padang, may Allah be with you always. Keep up no matter what the odds are. Only the truth will prevail latter.

Truly, such behaviour is regressing towards the time of the jahiliyah. Waging war on other countries for reasons that does not make sense at all. When all has been explained on how the misunderstanding has transpired, still, some could not accept it. Why so emo? A psychiatric evaluation should be conducted on these group of people. Probably a bad childhood? It must be something somewhere.

Dunia, dunia..

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Mee Paloh Rawa

Eat, eat and eat...

That is one of Malaysian's favorite past time. They love the experience of tasting the variety of food available. It is to some extend, a mystery waiting to unfold.

Mee Kampung Pek has got chains in Kelantan. It is a household name. Yet, many locals now find it not as tasty as it was in the good old days. There are queries if the some of the Mee Kampung Pek (MKP) chains are really the blood line descendants of the first man who made it. Some claimed that the shops are run by the workers who used to work in the original MKP.

Internal bickering asides. There are more now who can make really tasty noodles. One of them is Mee Paloh Rawa. It is also located in Machang, as is MPK. It is also known as Mee Pak Hasan, named after the man himself.

I can't recall the direction to the place. But, when in Machang, be sure to ask the helpful locals for directions. The shop is an unsuspecting wooden makeshift structure that houses a few decent wooden tables and chairs. Colourful rubber sheets were cut exactly to cover the table tops. A few packets of nasi dagang were seen.

Nasi Dagang

Do ask for Mee Kuah (noodles with gravy). Paloh Rawa is the name of the place. Thus, the Mee that comes from Paloh Rawa is called Mee Paloh Rawa.

Mee Paloh Rawa


Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Anti smoking and HIV talk for school children

Again, it was an honour for me to be able to participate in such activities. We may have been through such same event over and over again, but each provide an opportunity to learn new things. In addition, practice makes perfect. That is how doctors, pilots, engineers, basket weavers, photographers and even paddy planters do it.

The school that we went to this time was SK Pak Roman. There is nothing romantic about it, nor there are any Romans residing in the kampung. Who is Pak Roman by the way?

Jovial lot

What amazes me is the location of the school. We passed through some villages, then rubber plantations, then a herd of cows and the many speed traps that the cows created on the narrow tarmac road. Motorist zig zagged on the way up the mountain, but we zig zagged to avoid the fresh early morning fecal remains of the ruminants. It was all claustrophobic with minimal sky lights sipping through the cracks of the tree tops when suddenly we were met with a clear opening. The sky was bright and blue and the concrete school gates and building blocks greeted us.

Ping Pong
Why are there no girls?

.. Because tino (girls) are not allowed in!

What a difference. SK Pek and SK Pangkal Meleret had signifcantly more cars parked on the school compound. The compound of SK Pak Roman was quieter with few cars. It was not the school holiday season too.

The number of primary six pupils who were planned to attend the talk were about 20 students only. Thus, the primary five pupils were called in to fill up the nearly empty hall. The target audience - primary six pupils who had just sat for their UPSR exam.


The boys are always the busy lot. On the other hand, the girls are quietly reading.

Things to note before presenting.

1. Know your subject. Technical jargon are useless for children with low concentration span. In other words, make sure that the slides are appropriate for age and education level.

2. Know your topic well. Preferably, memorize the slides before presentation.

3. Ensure appropriate and adequate research on the topic were made before presenting. Sub par knowledge and understanding level of the presenter can lead to the presenter or the presenter's organization be vilified.

4. Interact with the audience. This is to capture their attention. Make small jokes if possible. Avoid dirty jokes. Not many people are easy with dirty jokes, what more with children.

5. Condition your young audience. Chit chatters at the back of the hall is a sign that your talk is beginning to desaturate the oxygen level in the air. Condition them by giving an instruction easy to follow. For example, train them before the actual talk to say a certain word together immediately after you, the presenter gives out a cue word.

6. Provide fun filled mini quizzes at the end of the talk with some gifts for winners. Hopefully, the immediate objective of getting their attention is achieved.

7. Be less wordy and put more meaningful pictures on the slides. A rule of thumb taught was to avoid more than 6 words (width) by 6 lines (height) in a slide.

8. Provide page numbers on each slides. This allows audience to refer back to clarify certain points.

9. Acknowledge by adding bibliography at the end of your slides. This shows how serious you are in stemming the crime of plagiarism.

There may be more which could be added later.

Despite all these, practice makes perfect. One still need to learn and observe from pro speakers, preferably, speakers for various age groups.

Monday, October 05, 2009

H1N1 Talk in SK Kampung Pek


It was a great pleasure and a great experience to give a talk on H1N1 to primary six pupils of SK Kampung Pek in Machang. This was one of the activities to fill in the free sessions after the UPSR exam.

Considering the target group were primary school pupils, thus the talk should be simple and chewable for the hungry young minds. I hope mine was. I focussed more in the practical ways in personal hygiene and how to spot symptoms of influenza. It did not take longer than 25 minutes, yet at that moment, I could clearly spot some wondering minds.

It was hope that they could practice and share the knowledge with others, especially their parents and siblings at home. It is sad to see people still coughing unscrupulously, sneeze like a typhoon without ever closing their gaps.

I told them about their responsibilty towards the country in curbing the pandemic.

I told them how they could show love to their parents and siblings.

I told them to share and repel kiasu-ness.

To make things interesting, I gave them 3 questions to answer from the slides. All three winners were girls and each received RM1 as the winning prize money. (I wonder if it was enough?)

Talk with the headmistress was an interesting one. There were a few things that we talked about. The mention of Kampung Pek was one.

After staying for a fews days in Kota Bharu, one would notice a chain of eateries called the "Mee Kampung Pek". Although I have not tasted it, it seems popular here. I have seen a few branches each in Kota Bharu, Bachok and Machang. Not too sure if there were any branches in Pasir Mas, Pasir Puteh or Kuala Krai since they are all quite linked up.

Both my driver and the headmistress had a different version on how the chain had evolved. There might be elements of some people who uses the name today to garner popularity from its olden days. Whatever it is, both agreed that the taste had dwindled. Both even suggested to try the up and coming "Mee Paloh Rawa". Well, may be some day.

SK Kampung Pek is a primary school sitted next to its bigger sibling, SM Seri Intan Kampung Pek. The latter is a secondary school. Previously, SM Seri Intan was known as SM Kampung Pek. In Malay, "kampung" means village. Putting the word "kampung" in a name of a school gives an impression that the school might be located in a humble village with small number of students, not so impressive facilities or dilapidated building.

When the notion to change the name of SK Kpg Pek was made, a few locals were against the idea as they wanted to keep the name of their village in the name of the school, so much so that they wanted to "claim" that the school belongs to their village. And so, the name retains. Only the bigger brother managed to get its name changed by its previous principal. "Intan" means diamond while "seri" means beautiful. For a record, this "village school" has got its own website accesible at http://www.skkp.edu.my/index.html.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Date with a Woman…

It is not too late to wish all friends and families selamat hari raya Aidil Fitri 1430H. May this raya is a blessed one with less trouble, our sins forgiven by those whom we have sinned and may all of us be renewed after a month of intensive training in the holy month of Ramadan.

Below is an chain email which I have received and wish to share it with all. Some chain emails are beneficial and those are the type that I would like to share. Sometimes, we are too busy and saturated with our own dailiy dealings that we forget to pause, think and reflect on our doings. We may hurt people with what we do and say and brag, which we did not realised it at all. To those whom I have done so, not on purpose, please forgive me. May Allah forgive me too.

Beforehand, I wish to thank the anonymous writer for writing and then begin a chain email. Credit must be given to you over this motivating piece.

Without further delay...

After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.. She said I love you but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you.

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.

That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie.

'What's wrong, are you well,' she asked? My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.

'I thought that it would be pleasant to be with you,' I responded. 'Just the two of us.'

She thought about it for a moment, and then said, 'I would like that very much...'

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous.

When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on.. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary.

She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel's.

'I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed, 'she said, as she got into the car. 'They can't wait to hear about our meeting'. We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.

After we sat down, I had to read the menu.. Large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.

'It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small,' she said. 'Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favor,' I responded.

During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation - nothing extraordinary, but catching up on recent events of each other's life..

We talked so much that we missed the movie..

As we arrived at her house later, she said, 'I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.' I agreed.

'How was your dinner date?' asked my wife when I got home. 'Very nice.

Much more so than I could have imagined,' I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to do anything for her.
Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined.

An attached note said: 'I paid this bill in advance. I wasn't sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates - one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me.

I love you, son.'

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: 'I LOVE YOU!' and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than God and your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till 'some other time.'

After reading this account, I remembered a person whom I have worked with mentioning in Malay, "Those youngsters with parents are so lucky to have the opportunity to kiss their parent's hands for forgiveness for we will miss and long for it when they are no more in this temporary world". She was in her 40s at that time.

So there, touched?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Holiday Inn Kuching food


A great way to unwind is by visiting Damai Beach. It is located in Santubong, under the management of Holiday inn.

It is the place to go if you love the beach and just want to be away from the hassle of the city or just want to laze around.

Not a place for those who expects excitement such as surfers. Bali would be more suitable for such.

Located near the foot of mount Santubong (one can trek the mountain), Sarawak cultural village (for cultural enthusiast) and Buntal (Sarawak seafood enthusiast).

Food wise, again, it really depends on oneself. I had a chance to take a mouthful in Treez as we only reached there at night almost 9pm. So we missed the sunset, which is touted to be very beautiful from the hilltop rooms facing the sea.

Here was what went in.

Penang Char Kueh Tiau.. This was terrible! It was not any different from the usual fried kuah tiaw. Nothing Penang about it at all. It should not deserve the name "penang" as it will bring misconceptions about the real Penang CKT. Its just a weekend mommy's CKT. It does not commensurate with the absurdity of the price at all.

Nasi Beriyani Gam, with accompanying papadam, pickled sliced cucumber, roasted chicken thigh and spiced rice. This was just nice, the spice in the rice was adequate to taste. The curry gravy was great as it was not too spicy nor sweet.

Buttered Prawn
Buttered Prawn. his is just another versions of so many buttered prawns that I have tasted. For this Holiday Inn version, it was sweet. Sinking one's teeth into the juicy and crunchy fried shrimp flesh was bliss. I still prefer if it was less sweet. The best (or better version) and unbeatable to me yet is the Palm Garden Seafood located in Santubong, on the way to Damai Beach itself. One should not miss this. Probably other places that I have yet to try has better buttered prawns. You judge.

Banana Split Ice cream to top it all. Nothing special to note this. It was just as simple RM6 3 scoop of megnoliar ice cream, with some choc syrup and a banana split into half. If it was fresh, there should not be any "ice frost" forming on the ice cream. "ice frost" tells you that the ice cream has been long untouched. It could be old.

Sometimes, I do feel that the food by street vendors or an old kopitiam-nasi lemak shack tastes better than hotel kitchens in Malaysia. The former are usually handed over recepies from one generation to another, while hotel based food are more "exam based", or srictly procedure based. The personal touch can be lost, and thus, making it taste stale.

Alright.. all in all, the ambiance was nice. Good for such private romantic encounters. Less rowdy, slow paced kind of life.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

White House Coffee Shop

Yes... finally, I manage to sit in the famed shop. It is so famous that it even appeared in the NST travel column. It even appeared in the TV3's majalah 3. Was it Jalan2 cari makan? it just appeared in the TV.

Why is it famous? I am not sure. Probably it has been there for so long that everybody has recognised it as a household name. Just like White town coffee house and Kluang station coffee.

The place opens twice daily, in the morning and at night for supper. At night it begins at 9pm. It closes on Fridays.

I personally like the setting of the shop. It has this antique feeling attached to it. The china and the marble tables looks old, typical of the olden days kopi tiam, that our forefathers are used to. Such as that the Chinese coolies smoking pipes after a hard days work, or the man pulling the trishaw waiting for customers. The 40s o the 60s kind of Malaysian era, if you catch what I mean.

Great place to hang out. An option to the overpriced kopi bin, stabaks of even seekret resepi. A must place to go to if in KB. The toast was great! The half boiled egg turns out the texture that I wanted. The service was fast. Better, than Khayaki, Mun Cafe or De Klassik cafe in Kubang kerian. I even tried h Nasi Dagang, glutinous rice with chicken curry wrapped in a waxed brown paper. I loved it.

Here are some pics.

The menu. Notice the no camera sign at the right lower corner.

White House
The interior of White House. Classically antique.

Coffee and Toast
Coffee, toast and half boiled egg for supper! A norm for Malaysian.

Not Teh Tarik if there are no bubbles.

Get yours here.

Too full to get up.

This place.... I recommend and will want to go there again. Map as below.

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