Sunday, October 23, 2011

Another year older

This will be the second year in my 3rd decade of life.

Nothing to be proud, but enough to be thankful to Allah SWT. For without Him, a few things that I have achieved and experienced that not many people will have a chance in a lifetime, I have had my share in them.

The past will be passe. Only lessons from them are worth to be re analyse again and again, as food for thought for the future. We should not bother ourselves with past events and grieve over it. Happy moments are great, but it should not blow up our ego too.

I have a lot of resolutions to achieve. I have found the ultimate conclusion that befits all of them, that is, we breath, work and play hard is only for Him. This life is an amanah. This burden on my shoulder is an amanah too. The laughter that I erupt once in awhile too, is for Him and from Him.

It is only appropriate that I take care of this amanah. And that can mean this body too which acts as a vehicle for the soul inside it. Any deviation from the norm that exposes one to physical dangers or spiritual contamination will require immediate remedy. Increasing BMI? time to walk that extra mile. Feeling empty in side, time to read the Quran. Talking incessantly and hurting others, time to read up on the prophet's seerah. Not enough dimes in the coffers, time to earn more from extra job or find a way towards financial freedom.

This should not be a colossal burden to us. In the SMART accronym, objectives should be Specific, Meassurable, Achieveable, Realistic and Time based. Today, we start walking, next week we can start running. A page a day would not hurt or take a lot of time. Continuity or Istiqamah is all that we need to presevere towards that goal.

Enough said this morning. Time to put that plan into play.

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