Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Things that irks

As Salam..

Medical and health staffs are always being watched in every movement they make. An irritation no matter how small it is, will irk clients. Complaints will be made and a few sleepless nights will ensue. "Quieter" clients will remain quiet, and the richer ones will opt to go to the private centres to get their treatment.

I just got some complaints or "luahan perasaan" by some patients. Here are some of it, which I think not only affect the government hospital but also the other services. Not all the time, but infrequently you do get this.
  • Doctor messaging in their mobile while consulting patients. A quick read on incoming messages is fine, but taking time to reply and then seem not focus on the attending patients is an insult.
  • Doctors updating their facebook accounts. When patients approach them, they respond slowly, totally not focused. Although it has been blocked, some centres do provide streamyx broadband. Even if not so, their handphones have access to personal 3G band.
  • doctor failed to explain  why a certain medication were given to them even after the patients asked them.
  •  At times, when patients asked more, the reply from doctors are, "who is the doctor here? you or me?". This is very arrogant and rude indeed. Patients who read have access to the Internet, though not all are true and updated. It is your job to inform them.
  • Doctor and nurses jollying and frolicking with each other in front of the patients and their relatives. Do you joke in front of the sick if they were your own parents?
  • Do not consult others when unsure of the treatment. It is ok if the medical personnel or doctors do not know at times. It shows that they are honest. But, do consult other colleagues or specialist when if you are not sure, rather than giving out the wrong medication and kill the patients later on. 
  • This is the best part.. doctors work like robots.. just continuing medications prescribed by the previous MO or specialist, even though an ailment is long gone or not there at all. This man was suspected to have pulmonary TB, which was confirmed negative on chest xray (reported by radiologist) and sputum AFB, yet, given full course of anti TB meds. Isn't that a waste on resources and the rakyat's money? Thus, the current moratorium on new medical school is the correct step taken.
Well, that was the account given by the patient. I have no idea what the story is on the other side. The question here is not about who is right or who is wrong. But how the current generation of government workforce should not be complacent when carrying out their duties. No doubt, things are improving. A friend from a private company mentioned before, if all the government service staffs are employed in his company, half will be fired within a year.

Please, rakyat didahulukan.

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