Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sebelum posa

Lets go for lunch! that was yesterday.

Today... "come-come, have lunch, there are some food in the meeting room, help yourself.."

On what occasion? "Nothing, just out of routine. It's on us.. Besides, it's the beginning of Ramadan tomorrow, it's the "last meal" before the fasting month  (So, we wouldn't be eating in bright daylight for a month!).

Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for the sustenance, that's rezeki from Him, the Provider.

Such invite should not be viewed as a chance to indulge in binge eating, the last "chance" to enjoy meals in broad daylight. I can still enjoy it, minus the binging part. The "last chance" is rather a reminder of death to us.

Happy Ramadan..!


ahmadpi said...

true .. I also surprised during lunch time today all restaurants are full with people!! what happen?? come on fasting is only for 1-month! but the reminder of death like you said is kinda cross my mind as well .. can I still live for the next Ramadhan? can we? only God Knows.

Rejangbasin said...

Yup, as if it will be the final meal to survive us throughout Ramadan. Most, come breaking of fast will become oblivious of the amount of food gorged into the poor stomach, which has been in idled mode for the rest of the day. Thus, there is no need for such Pre ramadan last meal binge, ha ha. It's a inaccurate concept.

Happr Ramadan bro..!