Sunday, March 16, 2008

CFCS Intro today

Today was our first meeting on CFCS. It stands for Community and Family Case Studies. Simply, it is a program for the undergraduate medical and dental students in USM School of medical sciences to get down to the community and to understand the public health issues waiting to be unearth in the community. It involves 4 residency attachments and each attachments last 1 week spread out throughout their second year of preclinical study. The main business is research basics looking at community profiling, community diagnosis, health intervention and evaluation if the intervention worked well for the allocated community.

I was given the task of being the field supervisor for 2 groups. One group will be posted to Kpg Pauh Sembilan and the other to Kpg Tanjong Jering, both adjacent villages in Bachok. My other Sabahan colleague also was given the task to handle 2 groups. The other colleagues, 4 Kelantanese, a Terangganuese and a Selangorian, had to handle one group each. Fair? I am not to sure, for every cloud has a silver lining. heh heh.

We were supposed to be going into the village in the next 2 days. Since this is the first residency, the main task is to get the mapping done well and the profile of the community. Since there are 2 groups, I will have to supervise the 2 groups in at the same time on that day. My academic supervisor, Dr MIA advised earlier for both groups to first work in the first village and subsequently in the second village. Each group have 16 students. Combining 2 of them will lessen the work by half, especially in the mapping task. For the leader of Gp 5, VK, that idea didn't really appeal to him. Not sure whether it was a collective agreement on behalf of the group or not, but in response to that, I mentioned that as long as they are comfortable with that idea and most importantly, can complete the task with less problems, that they can go ahead with their plans to work separately in their own assigned village.

I anticipate problems with transportation later, when in the village. hmmm.. we'll see about that. I can't be in 2 separate places at the same time should they need my presence at the same time. Well, as they are already adults, let them be. Go ahead and learn how to interact with people of different backgrounds. After all my job is to supervise. The main laborious job will be done by the students.

When in here, just can escape from touching the all sensitive issue on politics. With the current election results, not many may be happy. I just hope, out entry into the villages will be viewed purely on the basis on academics and not some hidden agenda attached with it. It is for the sake of the students and their future. Even we as academicians, albeit with our own personal political preference, just want to enter and do good for the community regardless of their colour and creed and purely for academic purposes. I cross my fingers and pray that nothing will hinder the students or create obstacles for the students and of course, me as field supervisor. Green or blue, we come as pure as white, and will, God willing, come out intentionally as white too.

Excited? nah.. Enthusiastic? nah. Just want to get the whole thing over with quickly.

(Hopefully will get some pictures soon enough...)

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