Thursday, April 11, 2013

Office discipline and politics

How we react depends on the environment that we constantly live in. If the environment emits negative aura, our reactions will be negative as well.

What is negative reaction? It means a lot. In a gist, we are full of hatred, pessimistic, unforgiving, full of anger and easily believing old grandmother's tale. in Malay, the tahyul mahyul.

It is always easy to blame others and not ourselves first. Why don't we worry correcting ourselves first before correcting others? The question is, who are we to correct others for their actions? If everyone correct themselves first, the world will need no blaming.

For the negative aspects people have, ignore it. Do not magnify or highlight it to them. It will subconsciously be the focus in that person's mind. Explore the positive behavior of people - if he comes early to work, if he has done a good report, if he took the effort to clean the office - praise them and praise the Lord. Who knows, we might be the first person ever to realize his positive attributes. He will beam with happiness and eager to show more. In the end, the negative traits will dissipate.

We are the magnet of negative surroundings. 

Imbue the positive energy in our heart first, then only we can exude the positive energy onto others. Positivity is contagious. So is happiness and even a simple smile.

I will smile starting today. It is a gift that I can really afford.

Leaders, set an example. It will never be easy to correct people head on. Humans are reactive in nature. By default, the reactions are negative. The solution is, be responsive to the needs of the surroundings. Slowly, the we will reap from the positive changes. These goes to all of us, as all of us are leaders.

For this, I will focus only in the positive. Speak positively and think positively. Do not speak ill of others. Everybody is good. We are human, mistakes are inevitable. The only thing, we will constantly correct them and improve our internal software. How do you think iphone 5 was made, without iphone 3? It was through constant review of the product itself.

We are the product of ourselves. Every thought process, from the input that we received upto the reaction to our surrounding are the processes involved in the packaging of that product. Like consumers, people will judge the product and form thoughts about the product. Imagine if the product is thought to be cheap although it may be worthless.

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