Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sibu and Kota Bharu

In my limited traveling experience, I have come out with a small but insignificant finding which I would like to report. In a travel journalistic attempt, nothing near to the travels of ibn Battutah, here is an acount of what I have noticed in the similarity between Sibu and Kota Bharu.

Both of these cities have got many women motorcycle riders.

While stopping at red at the traffic light, women riders can be seen side by side, in a noticeable proportion amongst the men. These women, from their attire, are of the working class people. In a way of not wanting to be speculative, such observations portrays:

1. Being the breadwinner of the family is not only obsoletely confined to men.
2. Women can be independant in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

However, in a cross examination between women and men riders, there are a few things interesting about women riders.

1. Women riders wear their helmets properly by fastening their safety buckle. The safety harness are usually not left dangling. In a limited observation which may be plaqued with elements of bias, men riders, however, are careless about their own safety.

2. Women riders, although can be slow and hog the road, they are less prone to accelerate when the traffic light is amber, or even beat the red light. In other words, women riders are more patient and careful.

3. Women are not likely to light up a cigarette when halting at red. Men, in the other end tend to be multitaskers.

Statistically, this just a plain observation, at random, cross sectional  and may not be generalized to any population.


1 comment:

amirmukhtar said...

hail KB!