Friday, January 29, 2010

Majlis Asyura


A belated commemoration of the Asyura day was held recently involving all staffs. 3 big pots of the Kelantan version of bubur asyura were prepared. The men took turn to stir the mixture continuously and arduously next to the prickly heat that emanated from the huge flames below the pots. The cooking took about 9 hours altogether, starting at 6am. It ended at 3pm when black coloured thicken porridge were distributed in small containers to be given out to all those who were present. It all looked like a huge family picnic. Food were in abundance. Singgang (pronounced singge in Kelantan dialect) Daging or stewed beef was the other main dish prepared apart fom the Asyura porridge itself.

Asyura is a special day which is always being associated with bubur Asyura (Porridge made in the day of Asyura) in the Malay Muslim culture. The porridge is usually specially made with 10 different ingredients, in which the main ingredient, among others should consist of rice, legumes, sweet potato, coconut milk and flour. However, there is no fix recipe to be followed. Anything can be included in the porridge. This leads to the various versions of the bubur Asyura which may differ in taste and texture from one state to another. In Sarawak, the bubur Asyura looked pretty much like the Bubur Lambuk. In addition, Sarawakians too prepare the bubur pedas on the Asyura day. 

The event is not a compulsory ritual that has to be followed strictly in the life of a muslim. It is only encouraged. However, some muslim communities have made it to be seen as if the event is a must and is part of a compulsory Islamic religious ritual, to some extend, burdensome. The religion does not want its followers to be burdened. Islam, as I have learned, is simplistic. It is up to the muslims to find out what the true meaning is in the 10th day of the month of Muharam. Surely, it is not just cooking that special porridge that matters. Cooking the special Asyura porridge is a small and trivial event, which have been weighted so heavily in this culture. Such has put it in a capacity where abandoning it will be seen as awkward.

How did the Asyura porridge attach to the Asyura day? The day of the Asyura is the 10th day of the month of Muharam in the Islamic calendar. It was believed that the 10th day of Muharam was the day when prophet Noah and his disciples landed safely on Mount Ararat (Mount Judis) with their ark. In order to feed, whatever food available were collected to be cooked. Various grains were collected and the special porridge was created. However, this fact actually came from a weak hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad. It was not mentioned that Prophet Noah and his followers did actually cooked the porridge.

On a positive side, it is better to view it as a way to foster ties among members of the community. From my own observation of yesteryears, in some local community, the members would chip in money to the mosque of their patronage to hold the event to commemorate the day of the Asyura. The amount of donations depends on one's willingness and generosity. If one is unable to donate cash, then, other non monetory means can be used, such as providing the raw material from their own garden or orchard or even help with the setting up, cooking and even cleaning the mess later, after the event.

Lots of interaction are needed. A sense of togetherness, helping each other can be really seen in such scenario. Nobody is left out in this event. The non muslims can also join in and in some cases, invited to participate. This is very true if the event is held in offices where there are workers of various ethnics and races.

In the actual sense, the day of the Asyura should be viewed as the day to remind muslims to be closer to God. Muslims are encouraged to fast on this day. Infact, muslims are encouraged to fast on both the 9th and 10th day of Muharam to differentiate ourselves from the Jews who observed the 10th day of Muharam by fasting.

It is interesting to note that fasting on the day of the Asyura was obligatory in the beginning. It was on the second year of Hijrah that muslims were instructed by God to fast in the month of Ramadan. The fast on the day of the Asyura then became a voluntary and encouraged act of worship.

As a note, fasting on the 10th Muharam will abye the sins conducted in the previous year. The 3 methods or levels of fasting in the month of Muharam according to scholars are

- to fast on the 9th, 10th and 11th day of Muharam.
- fasting on the 9th and 10th day of Muharam, and
- Fast on the 10th day of Muharam only.

In a gist, obviously, the meaning of Asyura falls way beyond the preparation of the Asyura porridge itself which has been overly emphasized in my own understanding. Great reward awaits those who fast on these days in the month of Muharam. The Asyura porridge preparation can only be viewed as a tradition (which is good) with no strong religious ground to mandate its pursuance.

Follow, but not blindly.

Sources that enlightened me:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jadual Elaun Sara Hidup Luar Negara 2010


Here is the living allowance for those under the sponsorship of KPT for the year 2010. It is going to be paid in 4 stages as below. It applies too (according to previous year's experience) to those studying locally.

Otherwise, the whole pekeliling in PDF format can be downloaded for your keep sake from the link on the left (under downloaditis)

Xie xie.

Naik lagi

 This is an unconfirmed news that was received via email. The price of oil was set to increase by at least 100% in May.

PUTRAJAYA, Jan 8 – The mechanism for fuel pricing in Malaysia has finally been finalized and controlled under one mechanism, which also takes the high and lower income group people into consideration, according to Finance Trade Minister Tan Sri Anuar Ali.

“From May 1, the fuel will be pegged at RM 3.90 per litre for RON97, while RON95 will increase to RM 3.70 per litre. However, the prices of national-made vehicles will be lowered by at least 40 percent. For example, a full-spec family sedan Proton Persona 1.6 litre engine will cost around RM 23,000.00 excluding road tax and insurance. Import tax and excise duty will be revised to only 30 percent, from the current 200 percent. Imported vehicles such as the new Toyota Camry 2.4 litre engine will cost around RM 65,000.00.” he said. 

The mechanics has been said to be undertaken by a team of experts from Australia and Canada who were earlier briefed on the issue of subsidy in this country, whereas after consideration by the transport minister, they have signed the constitution that the system will be made on May 1, the day it goes into effect.

Under the new system, there will be a major effect on the existing consumers who have already purchased a vehicle and to those who are in the midst of repaying the loan of their vehicle to their financial institutions.

Ahmad Tajuddin said the government might also re-introduce a cash return annually to Malaysians who own a 1,500 cc and below vehicle. The amount have yet to be decided but he assured that the amount will compensate the price of fuel by at least half to eligible Malaysians based on bumi quota.
– SkyNet News Asia

If read at a glance, probably one could get the surface value of the so called news report. Thus, it can be perceived as true. However, the authenticity of this kind of news is questionable. 

Based on rusty old knowledge on Malaysia, I reckon that there is no ministry by the name of Finance Trade Ministry. There is a Finance Ministry, then the Ministry of Internataional Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affair. Even the name of the Minister, Tan Sri Anuar Ali is never heard of. (There are too many Anuars in the Malaysian politics) The closest may be the Prof Tan Sri Anuwar Ali, who is the President and VC of OUM. 

Who is Ahmad Tajuddin too? He sounds like the Tom, Dick and Harry's Ahmad Tajuddin on the streets.

Since that the price changes will "take in consideration of the high and low income group of people", what has the annual cash return (did the writer meant rebate?) got to do with the "eligible Malaysians based on Bumi quota"? IN the last oil price change in Malaysia, was the rebate given only to a certain people of a certain ethnic?

Skynet News? Never heard of it too. But, there is a courier service company by the name of Skynet.

Hopefully, this news is not true by the way the facts are written. Why create havoc again when the dust is settling?

Another rumour that needs to be checked for it truthfulness is the news that the COLA allowance for all government staffs will be forfeited retracted. For a start, the incredible source said that it has begun with the teachers.

Please, stop this baseless rumours. Full Stop.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living life itself is a trial

Here is one of the chain mails that I received.A good laugh, but a lesson in itself.

The lesson, what goes around, turns around. Be good and you will be rewarded. Be bad, and be equally badly rewarded too.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ping Pong Competition

Ping pong has been enthusiastically played in this part of Machang. Almost everyone looks forward to release their bottled up stress in this game when the clock strikes 5 pm, everyday. However, after playing for so long, one day somebody suggested that a competition should be held as a parameter to gauge who is the best of them all. Realising this, a competition was held to find out the creme de la creme in Ping Pong (in PKD Machang of course).

Too bad, Fai Sal was not there to play for he was recently transferred to another department. He is the most keen of all in table tennis. He would be the first to be at the table, sweating it out before everyone else.

Here are some pictures.

Some kids even came in support of their father.

Memorabilia from the competition.

All doubles games were played. No single match as time was not permitting. It was a successful friendly competition, everyone enjoyed it very much, creating a rapport between all levels concerned in the organization.

Looking forward to the singles tounament in the near future.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Search and Destroy

 "Saya mewakili penduduk di sekitar taman ini meminta bantuan kerajaan untuk mengawal wabak denggi yang berlaku di kawasan ini"

"Kerajaan harus bertanggungjawab dengan wabak denggi di sini"

Bila melihat mereka yang membuat kenyataan sedemikian di televisyen, saya amat geram. Padahal, langkah mencegah ini bermula dari masyarakat sendiri.

Apabila berkata tentang kawalan penyakit Denggi, kita perlu dulu mengawal 2 perkara utama iaitu serangga pembawa virus denggi iaitu nyamuk Aedes. Seperti manusia, terdapat 2 peringkat dalam kitar hidup nyamuk aedes iaitu dewasa dan kanak-kanak.

Untuk membunuh nyamuk dewasa semburan kabus boleh dilakukan. Semburan ini akan dilakukan apabila terdapat kes denggi di tempat anda diami. Ingat, semburan ini adalah untuk membunuh nyamuk dewasa sahaja.

 Jenti-jentik bergayut di lapisan atas air yang jernih.  

Melangkah ke alam dewasa.

Manakala nyamuk kanak-kanak atau jentik-jentik ini pula tidak berterbangan seperti yang dewasa. Sebab itulah, semburan asap tidak begitu berkesan. Jentik-jentik ini perlu dibunuh menggunakan racun khas. Cara lain yang lebih mudah dan organik ialah elakkan menyimpan bekas-bekas kosong yang boleh bertakung air. Nyamuk aedes boleh membiak dan jentik-jentik yang dihasilkan boleh hidup dalam bekas yang mempunyai isipadu air yang sikit sekalipun. Mereka boleh hidup sekiranya ketinggian air adalah 1cm sekalipun.

Sebab itulah penyakit denggi mudah untuk merebak dengan cepat. Ini kerana nyamuk yang membawa virus denggi tersebut amat mudah membiak dengan adanya kawasan membiak yang banyak yang kita sediakan untuk mereka.

Oleh itu, gotong royong amatlah digalakkan. Malangnya, konsep gotong royong dalam masyarakat kita sudah pun salah. Apabila berkata tentang gotong royong, segala aktiviti seperti menebas rumput, menebang pokok, korek longkang dan mengecat rumah akan mula terbayang. Sudah tentu ini semua membebankan.

Konsep ini harus berubah. Gotong royong perlulah bersifat "search and destroy". Konsep search and destroy ini adalah lebih mudah dilaksanakan dan memerlukan kerahan tenaga yang kecil dan tidak akan membasahi baju anda dengan peluh yang banyak. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan ialah kutip semua bekas-bekas terbiar disekeliling rumah anda. Pastikan air yang bertakung di pasu bunga dibuang, celahan-celahan pokok yang boleh mengumpul air dikeringkan atau dibuat aluran untuk air mengalir keluar dan segala sampah plastik dibuang ke dalam tong sampah. Pastikan segala tong kosong ditelungkupkan. Membiarkan tong yang berisi air selama 2 jam pun sudah cukup untuk membolehkan nyamuk Aedes bertelur.

Ringkasnya, pastikan tiada lopak air.

Nah kan mudah. Sekiranya tanah kawasan rumah anda luas, disyorkan supaya jarak kawasan dari rumah anda yang perlu dironda untuk membuang segala bekas yang boleh bertakung air ialah 200 meter.

Gotong royong ini tidak mengambil masa yang lama. Paling lama 30 minit.

Kosnya pula tidaklah mahal, cuma beberapa sen sahaja. Ini pun untuk membeli beg plastik sampah. Tidak perlu membeli cat atau berus cat yang baru.

Pehe ke dok pehe lagi? Jadi, selepas ini, untuk wabak  denggi yang berlaku, sebahagian besar dari punca wabak itu ialah rakyat sendiri.

Selamat mencuba.

Not confident

I don't know what do you think of the video shown here.

Various things come to mind.

  1. Is he not a suitable candidate to answer questions posed by the interviewer?
  2. Has he prepared himself well? Rather than searching for his answer from the script that he is reading.
  3. Did he understand the questions well? look at 9:10. He seems lost.
  4. Can we say that he is beating around the bush?
  5. Can our own locals understand what he is trying to answer and thus understanding the crux of the issue? With the locals in mind, will the orang putehs understand the the issue at all?
  6. Will this video attenuate the whole issue?
  7. Did he use this opportunity well to explain and defend himself and the group he is representing on the issue?

Lessons: Always be prepared that you will not be given a translator to speak at such big broadcasting firm with international audiences.


  Malah, di Indonesia, kubur umat Islam dan Kristian disatukan dalam satu kawasan. "Tidak ada perbedaan agama" kata pemandu pelancong Indonesia itu. (Gambar: chain email)

Nukilan ini bukanlah akademik atau bersifat religious authority. Hanya sekadar nukilan.

Malaysia heboh dengan serangan ke atas beberapa gereja dalam seminggu dua yang lalu. Memang satu tindakan yang tidak menunjukkan toleransi umat Islam yang sebenarnya. Dalam pendapat yang lain, kelakuan ini akan memburukkan imej Islam yang kita cintai. Maka, kemungkinan  ada orang yang berniat untuk mendekati Islam akan terbantut.

Mungkin juga tidak semua. Malah, mungkin ada yang bukan Islam akan mula mengkaji dan mendalami apakah itu Islam. Mereka mungkin menemui jawapannya semasa perbandingan dibuat (comparative study). Jika terbuka hati mereka, dan diberi hidayah oleh Allah, maka akan memeluk Islamlah mereka.
Adakah kita tidak yakin dengan kekuatan agama kita sehingga kita khuatir kalimah Allah ini digunakan dalam terbitan bukan Islam? Ketidakyakinan ini akan membuahkan inferiority complex. Inferiority complex akan melahirkan tindak balas yang tidak matang. Sekiranya demikian, kita perlu usahakan lagi langkah untuk  mengenali Allah SWT dan menambah iman ke dalam sanubari kita sendiri. Jangan kerana kita bergelar umat Islam, kita berada dalam comfort zone dan alpa daripada mengkaji lebih jauh Islam itu sendiri. Malah, kita perlu semakin mencari demi mengukuhkan kepercayaan kita kepada Allah yang satu, yang tidak beranak dan diperanakkan.

Yang mana pegangan anda?

Sekiranya kita khuatir anak-anak kita dari terjebak membaca terbitan-terbitan bukan Islam yang mungkin menggoyahkan akidah mereka atau muallaf yang baru dari dipukul-uji keimanan mereka atau orang yang belum Islam yang baru nak berjinak jinak mengenali Islam, maka jangan. Dakwah sesama Islam adalah lebih prioriti. Ingat-mengingatilah dari kealpaan. Suburkanlah budaya menegur secara hemah kerana Allah SWT. Ilmu yang tinggi dikalangan umat Islam akan menambahkan lagi keyakinan kita dengan Islam.  Kadang-kadang terfikir juga, adakah kita berasa khuatir kerana kita sendiri yang kurang memberi perhatian kepada anak-anak kita untuk mempelajari ilmu keagamaan? 

Apa yang berlaku mutakhir ini menjadi pengukur kepada keyakinan umat Islam keseluruhannya. Tahap pegangan kita secara umat turut teruji, bukan sahaja secara individu. Jika kita yakin dengan moral Islam anak anak kita sendiri, maka teguhlah ukhwah umat itu. Jika kita masih melihat bayi dibuang merata-rata, masih melihat remaja yang pada IC tertera agama Islam terjebak dengan dadah, arak, gam dan sebagainya, perlukah kita takut dengan niat menggunakan kalimah Allah dalam terbitan bukan Islam?  

Anda fikirkan.

Ketakutan dan kekhuatiran kita kepada penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam terbitan bukan Islam adalah proksi kepada keyakinan kita kepada pegangan agama kita. Semakin lemah pegangan itu, maka semakin gerunlah kita.

Sekiranya mereka fikir Allah yang disembah itu sama dikalangan kita, itu adalah satu umpan untuk mereka. sendiri untuk umatnya Satu titik permulaan untuk orang bukan Islam untuk mengenali Islam. Pada masa itulah, peranan kita bermula untuk membajai minda mereka yang dahagakan maklumat tentang Islam yang suci. Janganlah pula merosakkan agama kita sendiri dengan merosakkan agama orang lain. 

Pada masa itulah juga kita perlu membezakan agama Islam yang diredhai Allah SWT daripada agama yang lain. Allah yang kita sembah itu menuntut kita bersolat 5 kali sehari. Itulah tiang, itulah perbezaan utama yang membezakan dan menjadikan kita umat terpilih dari yang lain.

Kita tak perlukan mahkamah dunia untuk melayakkan kita kepada Tuhan kita. Mahkamah yang lebih adil menanti kita di sana kelak.

Hanya kita sendiri yang tidak meletakkan kita sendiri di tempat orang yang terpilih.

(Here is an interesting read, minus the vulgarities)

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Terengganu: Kopok Sukaramai

Where do you go to in a short weekend trip, basically without aim and at the same time, just need to be out of Kota Bharu? There are lots of places to meet those criteria. But we chose Kuala Terengganu.

Then come the next question. What and where do we go to in Kuala Terengganu?

For local tourists, I would recommend the Pasar Payang, Taman Tamadun Islam (Islamic civilization park) and the Terengganu state museum.

Of course the list is open. For foreign tourists, I really think you should follow the recommended stop overs as mentioned in authoritative references such as the Tourism Malaysia's Terengganu reference or simple recommended guidebooks such as the Lonely Planet's Malaysia Singapore and Brunei. I really depend a lot on the latter. This is so, to let foreigners to experience the real sight and sounds (very touristic cliche!) of the east coast way of life. But seriously you should. The many islands of Terengganu should not be left out in your travel itinerary.

One thing about Ganu is, one must not miss the keropok lekor (elongated fish cakes) and the keropok losong. The latter is a shorter or "stunted" version of the full length fishy goodness. From what I have gathered, the Ganu keropok lekor is more yummy than the Kelantan version. I would attest to that. Still, some other people would disagree and would have experienced the better version of the Kelantan Lekor.

While I am on this topic, let me get it off my chest first. The most "hok sohor" (famous) place to get your keropok lekor would be at Keropok Lekor Sukaramai (GPS coordinate: N5.461236 E103.031211). The address; 179, Kg Mengabang Lekar Batu Rakit, 21020 Kuala Terengganu, along route 3685. It is located right opposite to the entrance of Gem Beach Resort.

From Terengganu

In other words, the mention of Kampung Mengabang Lekar's Keropok Sukaramai to your taxi driver should easily take you to your destination and does not need the unnecessary waving of sign language or repetitive verbatim reference to your English to Malay dictionary.

The price? RM1 for 2 sticks of lekor. Each lekor is about 1 foot long. Apart from that, there are other fish based products on sale. Such include the raw keropok chips, and the ready to eat ones. However, along the way, there are many Keropok stalls dotting the coastal roads en route to Kuala Terengganu.

Some contacts say that the stall is always swarmed with tour buses passing through the coastal road. I must say that the price of the Keropok lekor here is still considerably low and not  as astronomical as some really touristy places. The frequent buying of the lekor will ensure fresh new cycles of hot lekor be on sale, thus averting the risk of food poisoning by consuming old cold ones. 

That's a dose of omega 3 for Ganu travel checklist. Enjoy!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Saya terpilih

Ya. Saya terpilih. Bagaimana mekanismanya pun saya tak reti. Yang pasti, mereka ini nampaknya berjaya jugak melepasi tapisan untuk sampai ke inbox saya.

Bagaimanakah pula sekiranya kanak kanak pula yang berada di tempat saya terbaca pesanan ini? Kita tentu sudah terbiasa melihat pelajar-pelajar sekolah rendah ke hulu ke hilir dengan dengan telefon bimbit. Kemungkinan mereka semua telah terdedah dengan pesanan "modal" panas seumpama ini.

Kita telah berjaya mematang-rosakkan mereka lebih awal tanpa penapis yang sempurna. Precocious puberty of modern times!

Kedai Makan Kak Na

Kelantan memang terkenal dengan nama nama kedai yang bersifat "ownership" seperti Kak Na, Kak Wook, Kak Mar, Kak Yah, Abe Li dan sebagainya. Sekiranya terdapat dua nama yang sama, maka nama tempat akan digunakan contohnya Kak Na Pangkal Meleret, Kak Na Bukit Tiu.

Saya berpeluang merasa makanan tempatan di Gerai Kak Na yang terletak di hadapan Sekolah Menengah Hamzah, di jalan Grik-Pasir Puteh. Koordinat GPS: E 102.246552 N 5.764508.

ScreenHunter_01 Dec. 31 13.52

Kedai tersebut kelihatan santai, seperti kedai warong dalam cerita pendekar melayu.


Apabila diperhatikan harga pada menu yang terpampang, harganya sudah mula nak mencabar harga makanan di KL. Mungkin saya silap.


Jamuan tersebut bersempena dengan kenaikan pangkat seorang staf yang telah menunjukkan prestasi cemerlang selama ini. Satu hadiah penghijrahan yang bermakna baginya. Satu pengiktirafan yang turut membawa cabaran yang baru dalam memastikan kesihatan rakyat sentiasa terjaga. Bak kata watak Spiderman, "with power, comes greater responsibility".


Seramai 10 orang telah dijemput. Peluang untuk mengenali dan beramah mesra staf tidak dilepaskan. Makanan memang sedap. Tom yamnya cukup berbisa. Ikan goreng berempahnya cukup ummph, dan sayur kailan ikan masinnya mantap dengan masin yang tidak berapa masin tetapi sayur yang masih rangup.


Dengan ringkasnya, Kak Nah memang pencabar yang hebat jika Iron Chef peringkat Machang diadakan.

Saya akan memberikan gred 4/5 dari segi rasa dan "kekemasan perut" lepas makan. Dari segi kebersihan pula, memang masih banyak boleh dipertingkatkan lagi. Hairan juga bagaimana staf kesihatan yang sibuk mendidik pengendali makanan tentang kebersihan boleh memilih untuk makan di kedai sedemikian. Sama seperti doktor yang merokok tetapi terus juga menasihati pesakitnya supaya berhenti merokok.

Suasana tengahari yang panas yang disejukkan dengan ladang getah disekeliling jalan bertambah sejuk dengan air teh limau ais yang memang ala Kelate (manis!).

Rata-ratanya, terdapat 2 set makanan seperti dalam gambar di atas.

Harganya? Nah, amik kau.

