Thursday, October 08, 2009

Mee Paloh Rawa

Eat, eat and eat...

That is one of Malaysian's favorite past time. They love the experience of tasting the variety of food available. It is to some extend, a mystery waiting to unfold.

Mee Kampung Pek has got chains in Kelantan. It is a household name. Yet, many locals now find it not as tasty as it was in the good old days. There are queries if the some of the Mee Kampung Pek (MKP) chains are really the blood line descendants of the first man who made it. Some claimed that the shops are run by the workers who used to work in the original MKP.

Internal bickering asides. There are more now who can make really tasty noodles. One of them is Mee Paloh Rawa. It is also located in Machang, as is MPK. It is also known as Mee Pak Hasan, named after the man himself.

I can't recall the direction to the place. But, when in Machang, be sure to ask the helpful locals for directions. The shop is an unsuspecting wooden makeshift structure that houses a few decent wooden tables and chairs. Colourful rubber sheets were cut exactly to cover the table tops. A few packets of nasi dagang were seen.

Nasi Dagang

Do ask for Mee Kuah (noodles with gravy). Paloh Rawa is the name of the place. Thus, the Mee that comes from Paloh Rawa is called Mee Paloh Rawa.

Mee Paloh Rawa


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