The day came, and the students finally went into the villages. Their first task is to do mapping. To start off, the group going to Kpg Pauh Sembilan can access into Wikimapia to get a rough idea on the village's road, map, houses facilities, the shops etc. While the Kpg Tanjung Jering group have no idea where they are and will need to survey on ground for their map.
I was with the Kpg Tjg Jering group most of the time. Pity them as they depended most on the transport provided by the university to get to the village. They even brought bicycles to help them mobilize while surveying the village. While the other group, the Pauh 9 group got to their allocated villages in 4 cars and even "kidnapped" the Penghulu in their car to locate the boundaries of the village. Talking about efficient. heh heh.
The day started by loading the bicycles on to the lorry provided.
I was with the Kpg Tjg Jering group most of the time. Pity them as they depended most on the transport provided by the university to get to the village. They even brought bicycles to help them mobilize while surveying the village. While the other group, the Pauh 9 group got to their allocated villages in 4 cars and even "kidnapped" the Penghulu in their car to locate the boundaries of the village. Talking about efficient. heh heh.
The day started by loading the bicycles on to the lorry provided.
The bicycles were mass pumped with air at the station on the way to Pauh 9.
The pouring sweat made some of the guys to wash their face using the commercially available cleansers he he he. And non of the girls did this.
Finally we got to the Penghulu's house. It was actually not located in the Kpg Pauh 9 boundaries, according to him. Much like a remote control manager I guess.
A brief intro was done. Dr MIA did came to introduce both parties (nothing political here!!), the students and the Penghulu.
.. and the students, all 16 of them listened attentively . Some already looked exhausted before the actual work begin.
The balairaya (community centre) was to be the main "office" for them to do their work. So, the Penghulu showed them the way there after the brief intro. All 16 except 2 (leaky tires) had to cycle there. It was nostalgic too for some. The scene was almost reminiscent to the bicycle riding Japs entering Malaya via Kelantan.
It was a decent Balairaya, enough to hold a meeting or a large Chinese round table dinner, but not enough to hold a karaoke session.
There is even a flowing river behind the Balairaya...
After the tables were laid out, the discussions got underway. The background of the village including the demographic data were asked. Even the number of single mothers and polygamous men were inquired. Finally, they decided to get the infos from the Community Service Centre at Beris Kubor Besar.
yap yap yap...
From there, the Jering group proceed with their work, while Dr MIA and me and another village man proceed to have a cuppa. This, in the name of rapport.. also for the sake of acceptance for the students. he he .
The day ended for me with Nasi Bungkus Berlauk for lunch in Panji.
The day ended for me with Nasi Bungkus Berlauk for lunch in Panji.
ermmmm... RM3 only..
And its a wrap..!
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